Certificate and logo
SERTIKA, performing a third-party (accredited) / second-party (non-accredited) independent conformity assessment (audit), evaluates the compliance of the Client's management system with the requirements of the selected management system and, when certifying the organization, grants the Client a certificate and allows the use of the certification mark (logo) and hands over other conformity assessment documents.
SERTIKA certification logo/signs

Management of conformity assessment documents and other requirements
The client undertakes to fulfill these requirements during the certification period regarding the use of the certificate and certification (conformity assessment) reference, audit report, SERTIKA name, certification mark (logo).
The customer properly fulfills the SERTIKA requirements when he indicates his certification status: certificate documents, statements, references, certification marks, etc. in communication media such as a website, brochures or advertisements, or other documents. The client has the right not to publish his certification status, he has the right to publicize the certification status only to selected third parties, except in accordance with the law. The client can declare that his management system is certified only in the areas of activity specified in the certificate of conformity. The customer may not make or permit a misleading statement regarding the certification, use or permit the use of the certification document or part thereof in a misleading manner. The customer may not use a reference to the certification of its management system in such a way as to give the impression that SERTIKA has certified a product (including a service) or a process. The customer shall comply with these rules for any statement/notation/mark that the certified customer has a certified management system, use on the product packaging or use of additional information on the product. It is assumed that the product packaging can be removed without splitting or damaging the product. Additional information is considered separately available or easily removable. Type labels or identification plates are considered part of the product. The customer undertakes not to refer to the certification of the management system as if the certification body had certified the product (on the product, packaging, laboratory tests, calibration protocols or control reports or in any other way that could be interpreted as product conformity), services or process. There must be no ambiguity as to who is certified and who certified when logos or accompanying text are used.
The certification statement shall include:
• identification of the certified customer (eg customer trademark or name);
• type of management system (eg quality, environmental) and applicable standard (ISO 9001, ISO 14001);
• name of the certification body issuing the certificate (SERTIKA).
The logo is a marker that briefly presents what is certified (what management system), who performed the certification. The main principle of restricting the use of the logo is not to use the logo as a mark of product conformity, as VS certification does not imply product certification and does not release the company from product-related obligations.
What happens when a certification is suspended or revoked?
Suspension or revocation of certification will result in the termination of all promotional materials that reference the certification. The client undertakes to correct all promotional materials if the scope of certification is changed and not to suggest that the activity being certified is not included in the scope of certification.
For more information on the use of certification marks, see the VS Certification Policy.