International Organization for Laboratory Accreditation (ILAC)
- The International Association for Laboratory Accreditation (ILAC) is the global association of National Accreditation Bodies (NAB) that administers international agreements interested in conformity assessment and cooperation in the fields of calibration, testing, medical testing and inspection.
- The two organizations, ILAC and IAF, work together and coordinate their efforts to strengthen accreditation and conformity assessment worldwide.
- Regional agreements are managed by recognized regional cooperation bodies operating under ILAC and IAF. Recognized regional cooperation is also represented in committees run by ILAC and IAF.
- ILAC works closely with regional cooperation bodies involved in accreditation, in particular with:
- EA in Europe;
- APAC in the Asia-Pacific region;
- IAAC in America;
- AFRAC in Africa;
- SADCA in South Africa;
- ARAC in the Arab region.
The National Accreditation Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania is a full member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Organization (ILAC).
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